So much more than brick, stone and mortar
Before pavers hit the market, everything was carefully crafted out of brick and stone. Each piece was masterfully crafted and placed with mortars and cements creating a work of art. New England is a perfect backdrop for these creations visible down almost every winding road, homestead entrance and town center. Dunning Stone & Supply understands the need and value that traditional masonry brings to the industry.
And we have complied a group of vendors that allow us to service masons of all type with the tools and materials they need. With an ever growing selection of veneers, natural stones and masonry brick, we pride ourselves on being able to deliver the goods. Stop in our showroom to browse our accessories and tools, and take a walk through the stockyard to personally select your materials.
Don't forget to check out the Product Selection Guide to see what we carry and if you need custom work check out our fabrication page!

Some masonry examples


